
You are a click away from courageously transforming the reality of thousandsof people in Colombia, be part of the change!

With your donation, we prevent boys and girls from risky situations in Colombia

In Profamilia we created the program called Pepe la Lagartija, an Integral Educational fair for sexuality, where children acquire knowledge and skills to prevent and alert on a timely manner possible situations of abuse or sexual exploitation.

With your donation you are helping to conduct the Pepe la Lagartija fair in different educational institutions in Colombia.

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Help us give access to sexual and reproductive health services to more people in Colombia!

Profamilia is committed to equity in access to health care and poverty reduction. One of their emblematic badges has been to make services provision easier to the most vulnerable population in Colombia.

With your donation we will continue to provide health services, educational activities, and sensitization in all the territories of Colombia, on issues related to vaccination, planning, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and sexuality.

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Let us stand by people in the full exercise of their Sexual and Reproductive Rights

Our hope as organization is to ensure that everyone can enjoy their sexuality in a safe and informed manner.

With your donation you contribute to the execution of social and humanitarian development projects, poverty reduction programs and integral access to health care for the most vulnerable population in the country.

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